We were rewarded in XXVII edition of “Teraz Polska” Competition in category: PRODUCTS.
“Teraz Polska” Competition is non-commercial. The main idea of this is to identify the best products, services, investment projects and communities. This year Competition’s Chapter rewarded 13 products, 9 services, 3 investment projects and 3 communities by “Teraz Polska’s” Emblem.
“Teraz Polska” Emblem is undoubtedly the most prestigious and reliable award granted on the domestic market. We decided to participate in the completion because we would like to be identified with a reputation that “Teraz Polska” earned. Multilevel procedures and substantive assessment leading to conclusion of the competition make that we feel really proud of the award – says Michał Brzeski, Chairman of PellasX .
Pellet Burnes of Revo line are devices that helps in changing the way of heat production to more ecological, using renewable fuels. Rotary combustion chamber allows automatic, self-cleaning from ash that remains during combustion. Testing for compliances with the requirements of the standard PN-EN 15270:2008 has shown that they meet requirements of 5th emission class. REVO- line burners are now widely used coal boilers modernization because they are ati-smog and protect natural environment.
“Teraz Polska” Foundation since 25 years rewards the best products and services which, thanks to its qualitative, technological and practical qualities, stand out on market and can be a model for others.
After more than 25 years of „Teraz Polska” Competition, laureate still surprised us. This year among winners we find many innovative products and services, military, modern technologies and – what delighted us – start-ups. This year’s edition proves that Competition and Laureate reflect the tendencies and changes in national economy – says Michał Lipski, director of „Teraz Polska” Competition. From one year to another, we observe with huge satisfaction that among the Laureate arise companies that offer newest technologies in theirs branches. We are convinced that they have great potential to be a showcase of polish economy all over the world – ads.
“Teraz Polska” Emblem is trusted, socially recognized and well-publicized. This is the guarantee of the highest quality which customers receive by purchasing the products or services. “Teraz Polska” Competition jest organized since more than 25 years and during this long time , we became more conscious customers. During shopping, the most emphasis we put on the quality which means, that “Teraz Polska” Emblem is really needed. From the very beginning, emblem started to be the symbol of the highest quality, somewhat guideline for customers. Standing in front of shop shelf, polish people know, that this white and red sign guarantees the best – explains Krzysztof Przybył, Chairman of Polskie Godło Promocyjne’s Foundation.
Awarding the statues took place on 29th of May 2017, during “Teraz Polska” Gala in National Opera in Warsaw’s Great Theatre.
Details are available on website www.terazpolska.pl.